Avv. Domenico Dodaro

Equity Partner

Born in Cosenza on June 14, 1966. Graduated in Law from the Libera Universita' Internazionale degli Studi Sociali - LUISS of Rome on June 17, 1989 and has been a member of the Bar since January 21, 1993, qualified to practice before the higher courts since February 25, 2005.
He mainly deals with corporate and business law, especially concerning corporate, contractual, and real estate transactions.
He is particularly interested in the organizational patterns of the enterprises and has been a liquidator of nonprofit entities and a member of the board of directors of corporations. He is chairman of supervisory bodies under Leg. Decree no. 231/2001.
He has specific experience in communication and advertising law and entertainment law, particularly in the film industry.
He is admitted to practice before all levels of Italian and European Union courts and has gained considerable experience in commercial arbitration, including as an arbitrator, and EU litigation.
He has been a university lecturer at the Universities of Roma Tre and LUISS Guido Carli of Rome on comparative constitutional law and comparative public law and at postgraduate training institutions.
He is co-author of the historical novels "I fantasmi dell'Impero" (Sellerio, 2017) and "Madame Vitti" (Sellerio, 2022).

Lingua straniera/Languages: Inglese